Essig vs TV

upfree10 by Roglok , released in October 2004

Title (click to download) Artist Share
1) 00 Roglok n/a
2) Human Not Modern Roglok n/a
3) The Chicken Smith Roglok n/a
4) Duke Digit Roglok n/a
5) Cell Out Overgreif Roglok n/a
6) Utopia Maximieren Roglok n/a
7) Folk Acid Song For Duke Digit Rufus Mandelbrock n/a
8) Final Fudge (bonus) Roglok n/a


Monty says about this release:
"After all this Rufus-Mania I was wandering around in Uptown, feeling the strong need for some real electronic music. I asked the guy at a record store for the best Techno he could offer me, and he gave me a plain CD with the words "Essig vs. Television" on it. I took it home and listened to it in my little bureau.I must had fallen asleep during the first song, I suddenly woke up by a Tarzan cry followed by a disturbing song. "What the...?"
Angry and confused I quickly tried to get up my couch and accidentally dropped some stuff from my desk and almost broke a lamp and tripped over my shoes on the floor. "JUMPING JELLYFISHPUSSIES!" I tried to turn it off, hitting all buttons of this stupid modern stereo, but it raised the volume to fuck-me-in-my-ears mode, and after I finally had turned it off, then on again "AHRG!", I hit the power button once again and the chaos finally stopped.
I felt about twice as old. "?!?" i thought...
I put on my trousers and went back to that smeary recordshop.
"What the Worldwar is this!?" I yelled at the guy.
"It's techno," he said smiling.
"This is no techno!" I retorted.
"What is it then, Sir?"
"It's.... it's..... this is....... well..... it's... actually.... ...pretty cool."
"Good." he said.
"Mywivesafatgorilla don't you ever try to trick me again, young man," I mumbled.
Again silence.
"Oh look, behind you!" After he turned back around I was already home in my office trying to turn on my stereo. Listening to the whole "Essig versus TV" EP was like biting into a juicy slice of lemon, sour as fuck and yet fun and addictive. It turned out that the guy who made the CD was the guy at the recordshop was the guy that I talked to was Roglok Xaksbeat.
After doing some research I found out that:
-he didn't speak until he was about 3 years old
-once he had a screwdriver stuck in his forehead
-when he met Tracky b the first time, he kicked him in his balls (3rd grade)
-he hadn't produced any music until he was about 20
-he doesnt fit into small cars
I contacted him via email and asked him if he would like to join a Techno label. So here we are- human, not modern. PS: The Rufus Mandelbrock remix that lies inside this release is just a strategical insertion to make the listener reflect about how a techno-song could sound like without the use of any techno device. According to Rufus, obviusly."

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